Seperti yang telah kita ketahui, Presiden SBY merupakan speecher ulung. Begitu juga para pemimpin-pemimpin dunia juga menganggap Presiden SBY sangat jago dalam urusan pidato. Salah satu pidatonya yang sangat luar biasa (menurut saya), adalah ketika Presiden SBY berpidato di depan lebih dari 10.000 orang dari 190 negara saat diadakan konferensi UNCCC (UN Conference of Climate Change) di Bali, Desember 2007.
Berikut pidato Presiden SBY saat itu:

“Bismillahir Rahmaanirrahiim,
I have come here at this hour to make a special appeal to you.

We have invested so much time and energy in the last 12 days or so. We make a significant progress on many issues but we need to do more to make it a complete package.

We are now nearing the climax of our deliberations, and we must make the last mile in this exhaustive marathon—the most difficult mile!

For last September, when we had a High-level Event on Climate Change in New York, there was an agreement, a clear call—actually a demand—among world leaders that we must make a “breakthrough” in Bali. This is a political commitment that we all share.

Thus, here and now, we must produce a Roadmap—the Bali Roadmap—that will effectively guide us in the most concrete terms to a firm and effective agreement in Copenhagen. This means concrete actions, concrete resources and concrete timelines. Without an effective Roadmap, we may never reach our destination as we envisioned it.

We now have before us milestone decisions to make. There are wording that you must choose correctly, and I believe that you do so wisely. We must now give it our most careful consideration, and come to an agreement over it. The worst thing that can happen is for the great project for the human race and for our planet earth to crumble because we can find the rights “wording.”

We all embrace the principle of “common and differentiated responsibilities,” but this also means that developed and developing countries must DO MORE based on their respective capabilities. I do believe that the wording in the text you are considering already point us to the right direction.

What we do within this day will have an impact on the decades to come. We must therefore do what we sincerely recognize to be our duty, our moral obligation.

The world is watching us today. History will be judging us tomorrow. Future generations will remember: whether we rose to the occasion and seized the opportunity before us, or let it slip through our finger. It is time to think outside the box.

Too much is at stake. The alternative to a breakthrough our efforts here and now is not acceptable. We cannot fail. We must not fail. For the sake of our future generations, we must make that breakthrough to which we pledge ourselves.

Ultimately, there are three things that will make or break this conference. The first is a spirit of cooperation, a resolve to get things done, a spirit of globalism. All of you who have in Bali know and feel this spirit. The second thing that we need is our strong commitment to make this breakthrough. Again, I know that all of you have a commitment to make a difference. We just find a common ground for it. And the best way to reach that common ground is by nurturing a feeling of trust and confidence in what is bound to be a very difficult and painful negotiating process. And the third is flexibility. A spirit to give and take, and a willingness to compromise, without losing sight of the grand scheme that we are trying.

I know that we put all these things together—spirit of cooperation, commitment flexibility, we will make the last mile. The world is waiting anxiously. The world is watching. I beg you: Do NOT let them down.

Let us complete our work here.”

Teks pidato ini saya dapat dari sebuah buku kecil namun berbobot, berjudul "HARUS BISA, " tulisan Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, juru tulis Presiden SBY.
Menurut beliau, ketika Presiden SBY selesai menyampaikan pidato ini, akhirnya tujuan dari UNCCC ini tercapai setelah para delegasi dari berbagai negara sudah merasa bahwa konferensi ini akan gagal. Tetapi begitu pidato ini selesai, para delegasi merasa optimis dan akhirnya menyelesaikan apa yang kemudian disebut dengan "Bali Roadmap."

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